Our impact
Established by our founders with a pledge of 20% of the founding shares of Reconnect Labs, Reconnect Foundation is a Swiss charitable organization committed to deepening the relationship of humanity and nature. The foundation’s work encompasses groundbreaking scientific research on consciousness, expanding healthcare accessibility, and supporting the conservation of natural ecosystems, including through the empowerment of Indigenous Peoples.
Consistent with our work in supporting the Reconnect Foundation, Reconnect Labs has adopted the following Integrity Statement and Patent Pledge.
Reconnect Labs Integrity Statement and Patent Pledge
Reconnect Labs’ Integrity Statement and Patent Pledge outlines the founders’ ethical values, principles and commitments guiding their efforts to research and commercialize drug candidates for a range of neuropsychiatric disorders.
For more information on these programs and the foundations
work please contact please visit the Reconnect Foundation website
at www.reconnect-foundation.org
work please contact please visit the Reconnect Foundation website
at www.reconnect-foundation.org